Friday, August 27, 2010

Whoa, quick recap. Not that interesting, let's be honest here.

Wow, a lot of time has gone by since I've posted last. Oopsie. not much to report- I'm being summoned AGAIN this weekend to bridesmaid duty. I have a feeling this is going to be ginormous wedding. There was like 90 ppl just at the bridal yeah. Wish I was THEM, getting all THOSE gifts. Man.

I feel like I've hit a writing road block lately. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to post shit. There are so many times I think of a really great post, but I'm in the recliner with my feet up watching Big Brother. And that is where I stay. Speaking of, I LOVE Britney!

Anyone see the Hoff Roast? Freaking hysterical. That Greg Giraldi character was a lot funnier than I ever thought he'd be. What the hell happened to Last Comic Standing? God, this season sucked. It'll never be on the air again.

I'm still not back to work. I've heard "Oh just 3 more weeks....", about every 2 weeks, for about 2 months now. So I'm hoping to go back in time to save some Christmas money. I have a big list of big ticket items for the kiddos this year. But ya know, we're making it. Getting through it.

Brynn has been doing really well with her reflux, I tried to wean her off her meds, but it didn't really work out. But she's good. Austin busted his lip on the strawberry ride at the fair last night. What's a county fair with no bloodshed, am I right??

OH yeah and I went off that stupid shot. My dr says it'll take 2-3 months to get out of my system so I can lose this baby weight. I can't freakin wait.

Annnndddddd I got my hair done last weekend, and my pants split right down the ass. It was awesome.


  1. So you need some new pants to go with your great hair. This is a good thing.

  2. Yes, I did go buy some new pants. And I gave up shopping in juniors and bought them in the misses section. And somehow, my crack still finds it's way out.

  3. This could be key to a new wardrobe. Pants with holes must be replaced, you know... I would see how many I could split. Well, the ones I don't care to lose anyway.
